Welcome to Brecknock Township
Lancaster County Property Assessment Encourages Residents to Update Property Records Ahead of 2027 Reassessment
Lancaster, PA – Lancaster County is preparing for the 2027 property reassessment and encourages property owners within the County to do the same. Counties are required by law to conduct periodic reassessments of all properties. The County of Lancaster previously completed reassessments in 2017.
Property owners can begin checking their property record through the Property Assessment Website to ensure that all data on file is correct. Property owners who find inaccurate or missing information may complete a Property Correction Form or may contact the Property Assessment Office by emailing paquestions@lancastercountypa.gov.
A reassessment is the process used to determine accurate and fair property values within the County. The process of the assessment will begin in 2025 for the 2027 Reassessment. In 2025 and 2026, an assessor from the Lancaster County Property Assessment Office may visit your property for an outside-only inspection, including taking photos from the exterior of the property. Assessment staff will have county identification, and their vehicles clearly marked designating them to be from the Property Assessment Office.
The purpose of a reassessment is to ensure the fairness of taxes relative to property values, not to increase taxes. Reassessment does not generate additional revenue for the County or other real estate taxing bodies. Even though a property’s assessment may increase, taxing bodies must adjust their current tax rate to remain revenue neutral, before making any other adjustments.
The property assessment office is ready to assist residents with preparation for the 2027 reassessment. For more information visit www.lancastercountypa.gov/154/property-reassessment.
Any questions contact the Lancaster County Property Assessment Office (717) 299-8381.
We will continue to have a table located in the foyer to accommodate a contact-less drop off and pick ups.
The office will be closed on the following days:
New Years Day
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Fourth of July
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
Please contact us at (717)445-5933 Monday – Wednesday 9am – 5pm and Thursday & Friday 7am – 2pm with any questions. Thank you!
Due to on going Covid issues things change often regarding visitors to the office.
Please check the office doors for the latest office covid restrictions.
PA Turnpike Launches Open Road Tolling
This January, the PA Turnpike launched Open Road Tolling (ORT) east of Reading and along the Northeast Extension. The rest of the PA Turnpike will adopt the change in 2027.
Under the ORT system, tolls are charged electronically as customers drive at highway speeds beneath overhead structures called gantries without slowing down or stopping at toll booths. Equipment on the gantry and in the roadway classifies and identifies the vehicle and electronically processes tolls, allowing for free-flowing traffic, while also reducing accidents, improving the environment and enabling new access points. You will begin to see toll booth demolition this spring.
ORT Requires Your E-ZPass Transponder to Be Properly Mounted
Properly mounting your E-ZPass transponder is critical for its functionality and roadway safety. A properly mounted transponder is needed to ensure that your E-ZPass is accurately read and that you are charged the correct toll.
Transponders are 99.5% effective when installed properly. Here is how to mount a transponder:
- Clean the area on the windshield before mounting.
- Remove the transponder from its packaging.
- Mount the transponder horizontally under the rear-view mirror, below shaded or black-dot areas, by pressing the suction cups against the windshield or removing the adhesive strip on the Velcro mounting strips and pressing to the windshield.
When you are mounting the transponder, there are three important things you should avoid:
- DO NOT place the transponder vertically.
- DO NOT mount it inside of black dots or the shaded area on your windshield.
- DO NOT manually hold the transponder or leave it on your dashboard.
Call the PA Turnpike’s Customer Service Center if you have any questions or suspect your transponder may need replaced. Check out this video to learn more about properly mounting your transponder.
ORT Will Change the Way Your E-ZPass and Toll By Plate Invoices Look
E-ZPass statements or Toll By Plate invoices for travel in ORT areas may be longer and show individual charges for each gantry passed. This toll-point formatting will be familiar to those regularly traveling through the Clarks Summit, Keyser Avenue, Southern Beltway and Delaware River Bridge exits, where ORT is already live.
West of the Reading Interchange, a single trip charge will be displayed based on your entry and exit.
If your trip includes both ORT and traditional tolling points, your bill will list individual gantry charges for travel east of the Reading Interchange and display a single trip for your western travel either with an entry point of T291, if you are traveling west, or an exit point of T291 if traveling east.
When the entire system moves to Open Road Tolling in 2027, all charges will be assessed at gantries and single trip charges will cease.To learn more about ORT, visit www.PATurnpike.com/ORT.
(Click here to view an example of what the new open toll roads will look like).
Brecknock Township Stormwater Knowledge Survey |
This survey is part of Brecknock Township’s MS4 requirements to ensure that the public is educated on stormwater topics, given opportunities to participate in stormwater-related events, understands illicit discharges and more! Test your stormwater knowledge and then explore the Township’s website for a variety of stormwater information and activities. |